
Close All Windows is a free portable tool for Windows that allows you to close all your running windows with just one click.

How to use:

Just run the tool and all the running windows will be closed. To make it handy, you can add it to the quick launch in Windows Vista/XP or pin it to the taskbar in Windows 7.

Close All - Windows XP
Close All on Windows XP Quick Launch

Close All - Windows 7 Taskbar
Close All on Windows 7 Taskbar/Superbar

How to add exclusions:

  1. Right-Click on the shortcut and choose Properties from the context menu:
    Close All - Shortcut Properties

  2. Select the Shortcut tab.

  3. In the Target field, append -x="app.exe". (Change app.exe to the name of the app that you want to exclude). To exclude more than one app, use the pipe character : |
    For e.g.:

  4. Click OK.
    Close All Windows - Exclusion List

Download (36 KB)

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